Many people have been putting in their two cents about how to raise Oso. Believe it or not even people who see us walking on the street, feel the need to tell me what I am doing wrong.
Their Two Cents
Days at the Park
Oscar and I took Oso to the park today. We had each been separately, but it was fun to go together. We are working on Oso not pulling on the leash and that slowed us down quite a bit while on the sidewalk (and is not pleasant at all), but running on the grass with him is so fun. He is such a little cutie!
First Day at Daycare
So, Oso had his first day at Doggy daycare yesterday. They say they have about 5 dogs a day and take him on two walks a day. "They" being the nice couple who runs the place. "They" also sent me pictures throughout the day.
Puppy Play Time
Oso's First Walk - To Charlie's Restaurant
Oso the Snuggler
Trip to Mike & Anne's
Being a Tree
Oso the Service Dog
Oso Got His Second Set of Vaccinations
Picking up the Poop
I write with you about this subject with a certain degree of shock. Am I really writing concerning picking up the poop?
Toys and Staying Sane
The first two days that Oso joined our family were rough. My husband and I thought he was very cute, but were astounded at how exhausted we were. Oso was only waking up once during then night and not crying at all to go to sleep (naps were different). We were exhausted from the constant high energy required to hold Oso's interest and keep him out of trouble.
Bedtime Story
I was surprised to find myself telling an Oso a bedtime story to go to sleep last night.